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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Battles of the Week, 10 April 2016

I'm starting a new series of blog posts on the battle reports/batreps/AARs that I enjoy.  As you'll notice, the blogs I read, listed to your right in the full version (sorry, won't see it on the mobile version) feature more than a few wargaming blogs that produce good reports on the games that they play.  That's a big part of why I blog - of all the wargaming content on the interwebs, I enjoy reading batreps/AARs the most.

So, without further ado, here's a few posts that caught my eye this week:

Epic 30k at Fawcett Avenue Conscripts - Imperial Fists and Sons of Horus go toe-to-toe over control of a government building complex, heavy casualties ensue

Arc of Fire at sediment's wargame blog - a modern game I've never played, but it seems to handle conventional forces relatively well.  Two games played - Game 1 and Game 2

Bolt Action at Craig's Wargaming Blog - reinforced US Paratrooper and German platoons face off

Frostgrave at Colgar 6 - A beautiful write-up with color-coded icons to indicate the multiple factions seeking treasure in the frozen city; just marvelous

Combat Patrol Playtesting at Buck Surdu's Blog - Unique opportunity to see a batrep/playtest report as a WWII game is adding supplements for other historical periods


  1. Hey - cool! Thanks for the shout-out!

  2. Cheers for adding that link. Another batrep now up. Our first tanks wars

    1. Great - picked that up in this week's roll-up!

  3. Cheers for adding that link. Another batrep now up. Our first tanks wars

  4. Thanks for adding the link. Looking forward to seeing more cool links and will hopefully be adding a few more on my blog.
    Cheers, Andy

  5. I love reading battle reports. Too many wargaming blogs are really painting blogs, with months of admittedly beautiful figures being displayed and prepared for a game, followed by one two-line post outlining the army's first outing - then nothing. And on to the next painting project.

    I want to see games! :)

    1. Agree wholeheartedly. Now if only life would intrude less on my hobbies...
