The human success in that battle gave the human king the resources to attract a wizard to their faction. Who looks more than a bit like Gandalf.
And now the human rebels, who attacked and killed one of the king's taxpayers out for a stroll in the woods, know that their days are numbered. The human rebels join forces with the Orcs and Goblins and mount an offensive against the humans. The human king allies with the Elves to confront the human rebel-orc & goblin force.
In the photo above, we setup and we have the orcs on the top right and the humans and the elves on the top left and the rebels on the bottom right. The rest of the captions have been provided by my boys, who played the game with me.
Here is our line of orcs protecting the rebel archers.
This is a group of orcs with a champion.
This is a rebel squad with some archers and their leader Robin.
The Orc line.
This is just anther picture of the champion with three spear men and three orcs.
Here is the squad of rebels in front of orcs.

Here is a closer look at them.
This is a picture of a squad elves ready to provide cover fire for the humans.Here is the picture of the humans with their wizard in the front of the elves.
Here is our other squad of elves.
Here is our squad of elves with the elven leader.
This is a birds eye view of the humans front line.
Here is another birds eye view but for our wizard.
And here are our human spear men.
Here is a closer look at our spearmen.
Here is a closer look at the humans hired wizard.
Here is another look at our spearmen.
This is one unit of archers, kings guard and spearmen.
This is another look at the humans and elves together.
UMPH! A man falls to the ground almost immediately.
The elves fire a volley of arrows.
Two rebels die by the volley of arrows.
Then the elves make quick thinking and move towards the kings guard and spearmen.
The other elf squad has fired a volley at the other squad of rebels.
And another rebel falls dead to the ground by another volley of elven arrow.
The champion and his men move toward the kings guard, the spearmen and elven archers.
The rebel archers fire a volley and hit two men of the kings guard and one spearman.
The orcs draw a jack that helps them in close combat.
Now one orc dies and two of the kings guard are shocked.
Now the other orcs attack the front line.
Now the big line of orcs moves 6'' toward the human archers.
Oh no! The big line of orcs finally gets to the human archers and another one is killed.
Now the swords men are in close combat and losing.
It is a blood bath for the humans but the orcs are doing almost the same.
Two spearmen are dead, and the wizard is unprotected.
Now the wizard has to protect himself.
The elves unleashed a deadly barrage of arrows on the rebels again and the rebels start fleeing.
Now one of our elven archers has been shot dead by rebel fire.
The wizard has been hit by rebel fire and is running.
Now in close combat the elven archers are not very good so two of them died.
Now the rebel squad that is fleeing has moved another 6 '' and are trying to go faster.
And it's almost safe to say that the elves and humans have won.
We counted the loses and the elves lost 3 men the humans lost 9. The human rebels lost 9 men and the orcs lost 10.
This proved a bloody conflict for both sides. Ultimately the elves and humans prevailed, their wizard survived, and the orcs and human rebels had to flee the field.
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